Who are we?
Who are we?

We are a network of diverse feminist women in the region, committed to the defense of the body-territory, human rights, sexual, reproductive, gender, generational, social, territorial, environmental, ecological, economic and political justice. We consider political advocacy as a transformational tool to promote the perspective of sexual and reproductive justice in decision-making spaces.
Our principles are framed in the Declaration of the Latin American and Caribbean Dialogue on Sexual and Reproductive Justice

Where do we come from?
The idea of Vecinas Feministas arises from the work of young feminists supported and accompanied by RESURJ during the follow-up process to the IV International Conference on Population and Development in Quito; and the First Regional Conference on Population and Development in Montevideo.
Since 2013, we have been coordinating actions to visibilize the issue of sexual and reproductive justice in decision-making spaces at a regional level. We have also promoted the participation of younger feminists in these spaces. Thus, we met in August 2013 at the First Regional Conference on Population and Development in Montevideo in Uruguay.
Later in October 2014, we held a dialogue on sexual and reproductive justice to further work and influence various spheres. Some of these were global spaces within the United Nations and other regional organizations within the framework of ECLAC. We had an impact in the Regional Conference on Women, Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development, board meetings of the already mentioned forums, and meetings of the Social and Legal Status of Women and of the Commission on Population and Development. The AWID Forum 2016 accepted one of the activities that we set out to bring, for which we proposed the panel called “Building Sexual and Reproductive Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean”.
During the II Regional Conference on Population and Development in Mexico in October 2015, we constituted ourselves as a Network and defined our vision of work.

The members are: