For us, political advocacy at local, regional and global levels is an opportunity to occupy political spaces with feminists perspectives. We seek to ensure that the sexual and reproductive justice view in Latin America and the Caribbean is present at local, regional and global levels. We believe in articulation, dialogue and consensus; that is why advocacy is an opportunity to strengthen alliances between social movements. This will allow us to reach consensus on the relationship between body-territory within the pursuit for justice in the region.
At the local level, each Vecina articulates with local organizations and activists for political advocacy according to the specific situation each country has and on issues related to the search for sexual and reproductive justice.
At the regional and global level, we participate in different spaces, the main ones being:
- Organization of American States (OAS): We participate in the General Assembly – the supreme body of the Organization of American States, where delegations from all states are present. In this space we are part of the civil society coalitions.
- Commission on the Status of Women (CSW): The main intergovernmental forum for the promotion of international policy for gender equality.
- International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD): Space that discusses issues related to poverty, migration, sexual health, reproductive health and among others.
- High Level Political Forum (HLPF): Space for exchange to follow up on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Regional Conference on Population and Development (CRPD): The most important conference to follow up on issues related to population and development, with the Montevideo Consensus being the most important document on subject. Additionally we participate in executive board meetings that are held.
- Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: ECLAC’s body that analyzes the regional situation of women and their rights. This conference also presents recommendations for public policies related to gender equality and follow-up on regional and international agreements.
- Forum of the Countries of Latin American and Caribbean on Sustainable Development: This is the regional mechanism to the follow-up of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
- ILGA Global Conference: It is the largest gathering of LGBTIQ+ activists in the world where experiences, advances, strategies and good practices for the fulfillment and guarantee of the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people are shared.
- Global Feminist LBQ Women*’s Conference: Held for the first time in 2019, it seeks to be a space for activists and advocates to share strategies, mobilize resources and lead the building of a global LBQ movement with the capacity to influence the global human rights agenda.
